Enjoying my Lean Cuisine (these are not effective by the way, cuz I’ve been having those suckers for a while and there’s nothing lean about me! Unless they’re supposed to be Mean Cuisine… I’m Mean but not Lean! Anyway... whatever! let’s move on!) (let me gather my thought. okay got it!) enjoying my Lean Cuisine while having lunch with Glynda when all of a sudden she breaks the silence with: “You know, you could be the mother of a 17 year old.”
My first thoughts were: “Does she know something I don’t know? Did my body eject a little person when I was 18-ish without me knowing???”
Then: "How dare she imply I was sexually active at the young age of 18...!"
Followed by: "I wonder how so and so is doing."
Lastly: "I need a freakin manicure!"
After I cleaned up my chin from having dribbled my lunch all over it and the front of my sweater… I asked her to share (okay, in the middle of typing this, I got a nostril cramp! I just took a decongestion and in it’s effort to cure me, it burned the inside of my nose and made my eyes water! No, I didn’t snort it…) why she would say such an abominable thing to me!
She shrugged and continued eating…
Not to be outdone by this Random Spouting Rookie, I said: "Have you ever had any weird dreams about OZ? You know those kind of weird dreams?" I said the last part in a whisper, she gagged asked me why I would ask her that and I shrugged and continued eating.
I don’t know if you remember or were around for this but she once told me it SOUNDED like I was limping! This ladies and gents (I had originally typed ladies IN gents but luckily my sharp eye caught this mistake! I would have been abso-freakin-lutely horrified at myself! Plus I didn't want to answer any personal questions. Do what you want with that.) is the Office Manager/Nurse, she is the one that runs the freak show...
At least she had me having a kid at 18 and not 16! Anyway, thought I’d share.
Also, if you're wondering if I keep getting sidetracked because I'm still sick, the answer is nope, just a rambler.
Look at the pretty flowers I got! Jealous? ;o)