
Saturday, August 8, 2009

When a marriage clears the 7 year itch milestone, isn't it time to throw out the anti-fungal ointment?

So… no comic today. I know I know we suck but it's just that Andy and I are having a small uh disagreeeement so we did not prepare anything because, in the time honored tradition of all arguments in the Cor-Rut household, we are each too stubborn to back down. Nothing major. No need to worry. We'll probably just wind up having a dance off to declare a winner.

It all started with Andy asking if I was going to clean out the fridge and me asking if he owned me and then him saying something about no iPhone for me and so I jumped up and said I was just kidding and haha he fell for it because that's exactly what I was going to do today because hello! I allotted all this extra time and even bought rubber gloves for the occasion. Ay-ay-ay. ::twitches nervously::

Everything was going well, moldy grapes- trashed. Mysterious stuff in Tupperware container- garbage! Container and all! All these things were approved by his highness to be disposed of... then we hit a glitch. When it was time to reorganize the freezer, I came across a plastic bag.

8.8.09 004

As some of you may remember, my Andy and I did not have a traditional wedding. We tied the knot and then a couple of months later had our backyard party. However, thanks to my awesome mother-in-law, we did have a beautiful cake.


Having never been married before and blocking out all weddings I’d ever attended, I was not aware that there was a peculiar tradition to save a piece of cake and then eat it at the one year anniversary mark but people were assuring me it would bring us good luck and a long, happy marriage. Some of these same people were divorced and on their second marriages but who am I to judge?

Since Andy and I hadn’t followed too many of the marriage traditions, we decided to follow this one. We did have a big piece of cake left, besides getting violent diarrhea, what could it hurt?

Exactly one year (and some months) later (shhh! we forgot on the anniversary and didn’t remember until we were making room in the freezer for yummy ribs) we opened up the freezer baggie, unfolded the paper it had been wrapped in and proceeded to sink our teeth into some tasteless saw dust. Mmmm

We each only had a small bite and decided that was enough to hopefully get us to our 30th wedding anniversary. We’d reevaluate our relationship after that. I grabbed the cake, baggy and all, and walked over to the garbage can to throw it out when Andy decided to voice his disagreement.

[conversation not from actual memory but I'm sure it went something like this because it sounds right in my head]


What are you doing?


Uh making cupcakes?


Why are you going to throw the cake out? Shouldn’t we save it?


For what? You want to age it like cheese and try it again next year?


No, I just don’t think it would be good luck to throw it out.


Would you like me to flush it down the toilet? That way we can fool the gods into thinking we ate it?


Stop being a smart ass. Just put it back in the freezer.

So I did because we all know I do everything my Andy tells me to. That was SEVEN YEARS AGO!

And so ladies and gents, we are reliving that same argument. I say it's been long enough but Andy’s delicate sensibilities insist we keep it. He says I should take my heart out of the jar I keep it in and use it every once in a while.

Who has an argument over 8 year old cake? I told him maybe we should use this as material for the comic but he gave me the stink eye and walked away.

Did anybody else save their cake this long? More importantly, does anybody want some? And by some I mean ALL OF IT.


  1. I am first...whoo hooo! We didn't have any cake left. But will be married 12 years next I think were ok. lol:)

  2. You could make it into a brick or use it to plaster a wall. But then Andy will never let you move house.

    Or you could burn it and give the ashes to those people who make jewelry out of human ashes. His and Her's matching rings or whatever.

    If I were you, I'd quietly dispose of it sometime in the next couple of years. Hopefully Andy will have forgotten about it when you come to clean out your freezer in 2016...

  3. You should just throw it away in a couple of months when he is having a kill the oger turnament. By the time he saves the world the cake will be long gone.

  4. Compromise, save a little small piece and throw the rest of it out.

  5. oh hurray !

    its 'cleaning out the refrigerator day' !!

    im going to spend the entire day here at your blog so i dont miss out on a single treat !!!

  6. We kept ours one year had a bite and chucked it in the trash. Most arguments are about the stupidest things for us too.

  7. OMG! You have had a piece of your wedding cake in your freezer for over SEVEN years? Ahahahhahahaha. Im sorry, but I think that is FUNNY.

    Now as someone who suffers from OCD, that would drive me NUTS. But also as some one who sort of believes in superstitions, maybe Andy is right?

    After all, you've already head it in your freezer for this long! Why even bother to toss it now?


    PS: Thank you for taking the time to watch my movie! Much appreciated.

  8. Is it possible Andy is better than you and you SHOULD take your heart out of that jar and use it?

    I think it might be my turn to marry him.

  9. We saved our top layer and defrosted it on our first anniversary. A bite each and we were all, "Mmmm...stale and yuck!" and then I threw it out. Nearly 15 year laters, I still wish I had a hunk of that delicious cake in it's pre-365 days in the freezer state, and sometimes I like cake more than people, but I guess the moral of the story is we're good. Year old cake? Not so much.

  10. What a romantic! But after 8 years, fool the gods and flush it. Great post.

  11. Next year, on your anniversary, make a small cake similar to your wedding cake. Enjoy it and as part of your celebration, take out the "old" cake and take turns pounding it into crumbs. Then, distribute the crumbs at your favorite place to go to together.


  12. still waitin on something yummy out of that fridge....

  13. Maybe you should keep it. It sounds like it's served you both well for 8 years. You know, why rock the boat and and all...

  14. I agree with everyone's advice, of course ;)...

    ...but here's one of my own thoughts: I think it would have made a great cartoon. You two are a trip, whatever you decide to do with the cake.

  15. Around here, cake doesn't last 8 days, let alone 8 years.

    Throw it out! Peter and I didn't even have a wedding, and our cake was bought at a grocery store. And after 5 years, we are doing pretty good. :-)

  16. This is a great site that you have here.I have a humor blog myself and I would like to exchange links with you. Let me know if this is possible, either through email or by a comment on my site when you get the chance. Thanks. Jason

  17. Just so you know....I saved mine and ate the wretched thing a year later.....and you know what happened. He will NEVER know!!!

  18. We had the most AWESOME cheesecake wedding cake and it was super hard to even save a piece for the anniversary thing, but we did. Alas, it tasted like caca when we thawed it out and ended up pitching it. However, you've kept yours this long, why not keep it just as a conversation piece? I keep a plastic alligator in my fridge for that very purpose. It never hurts to be slightly eccentric.

  19. I think it's cute he wants to save it. It goes to show how much he loves you!

  20. You should have thrown the rest away after your obligatory bite at 1 year. That's what we did!

  21. We didn't have cake..we had peach cobbler...terrible terrible peach cobbler that I should have thrown at the caterer. But we are coming up on four years...I know whoopie!
    Hmmmm whoopie pie.

  22. I say you get a delicious new cake that we can eat on Saturday while we discuss the future of this 8 year old wedding cake!! What do you think? ;)

    I looove cake!

  23. Drew threw our saved cake top out on the way home from our reception so we didn't get any good luck,

    but hell we are still together hundreds of years later


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