
Monday, August 24, 2009

This is what happens when I cook dinner:

cell 8.24.09 039

cell 8.24.09 040

I turned on the oven without bothering to move a couple of metal containers I had set on top of the stove. Unfortunately, my dumbass didn't think about the plastic lids on top of those metal containers!

This to me is a sure sign as to why I shouldn't cook. Andy says I just need to try harder since I'm becoming less dangerous each time and he uses the kitchen fire as an example.

I told him I was going to start a "Stop Bee now before she burns the Earth down!" petition. Who's with me??


  1. Don't burn the earth! Consider me with you.

  2. Is that all it takes to get out of making dinner? Hmmmm I know what I will be doing this evening.

  3. I'm with ya' sister. I'll be a card carrying member, since I shouldn't cook either.

  4. This is really just your introduction into avante garde art. The oven and plastics are just your mediums for creative expression!

  5. I melt things on my stove constantly. Drew had to buy me a fire extinguisher. now it's always on the ready

    I mostly heat thingas in the microwave, that's cooking right?

  6. I wonder what the health implications of eating melted plastic are?

    Why don't you get Andy to do the cooking instead?

  7. stop global warming
    take bee to arbys

  8. The melted plastic looks so artistic, very Dali-esque. You should sell it as an art installation to the Museum of Modern Art. Then you can hire a chef.

  9. Oh you should see all my burned pot holders.

  10. I blew up an egg in the microwave and I've burned plastic on my stove. Can I get fired now?


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