
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tazz and Mocha Speak


So... Nooter The Dog tagged me with a scent meme. I'm to list 5 good smells and 5 bad smells. I decided to let Tazz and Mocha take this Meme and run with it. And then come back and leave it at my feet so I could throw it again and then they'll fight over the meme and Tazz will growl and Mocha will pee then expose her belly as a sign of submission. That's how Andy and I are... only he's Mocha ;o)


Okay Mocha we are supposed to list five smells we don't like and five we do. Mocha? MOCHA!


What?? I was trying to eat that squirrel that sits on the fence but I kept crashing into an invincible force field!


It's called a window, airhead!


Whatever stank breath! And that is one of the smells I don't like, your bad breath. (1)


Oh yeah? What about that time you threw up and rolled in it? That wasn't pleasant at all! (2)


Look who's talking! You bathe once a month because you hate water! You always smell like cheesy fritos! ... But I like that smell. (1)


Remember the time the dorky man left his sausages where I could reach them and started yelling when he found out I ate them?? Those smelled really good but tasted better! (2)


I wouldn't know since you always bite my legs when I try to sniff the food. I like to smell pretty lady's hair. (3)


Me too! I used to like smelling dorky man's fingers when he came home from work. I think it was because of those thin sticks that were hot at the tip that would make him blow smoke from his mouth. I was sad when he stopped buying those. That's why I tried to escape that one year, so I could go to the neighbor whose mouth is always smoking. (4)


Blech! I hated that smell! (3) He would come pet me and I would make this noise :kkkhrrmmm: :kkkhrrmmm: I was pretending I was going to throw up and he'd leave me alone. Not such an airhead now am I frito butt!


Remember that time you got into the recycle bin and drank the leftover booze? You were walking into walls, more than usual, and asking for your mommy. ha ha ha I hate the smell of booze! (4)


No, instead you like to sniff the cleaning products! The smell of bleach makes my eyes go googly and I hate it. (5)


I have to say that my all time favorite smell is coffee. Pretty lady once got distracted and left a garbage bag with coffee grinds that drove me to chew a hole at the bottom and inhale the grinds right into my system. The best score EVER! (5) AND CHEESE CAKE!


You are so weird. Hey! I smell Blue Cheese!


Thanks to everybody who has joined the Secret Santa Can Suck It! we have about 38 people so far and it is going to be great! I'll email everyone Monday evening with their respective uh, people. Remember it's a secret so once I tell you, don't go over to the person and say "Hey I'm your secret Santa Booga Booga!".

No. No. Don't do it. I'd like everybody's "gift" to be up on Thursday 12/11 (of 2008) so we can all laugh together. The way I figured to do it, is to post a links with everybody's Site name where you go looking for your "gift". Does that sound good?

Suggestions are always welcome! Mostly.


Does anybody else mess up when spelling Santa and keep typing Satan? Or is it just me?



  1. I think Tazz and Mocha lead more interesting lives than I do. And yes, it's sad I realized that reading about their smells. :P

    Santa is Satan, right?

  2. Coffee's lethal to dogs, isn't it?

    The Satan Santa thing is probably some kind of Freudian sip...

  3. Bee Dear,
    I have to tell you, reading the meme that your dogs did reminded me of all the reaasons that I don't like to have dogs in my house. No offense.
    Instead, I opted to have children who do all of that stuff and way worse AND speak outloud. Because I AM THAT SMART.

    And I have a question about the Secret Satan thing-Are we just supposed to post links or are we posting pictures? And can I please have that badge think? Cause it's kind of, well really awesome!

  4. I meant Secret SANTA not Satan!
    Now you've got me doing it!!!

  5. special... special smells.

    mr. 4 and mr. 7 have the stomach flu this weekend... not such enjoyable scents.

  6. my dogs just lie on the grass outside and barely move. I'm sure their favorite smells are each other's butts

    same with me and Drew

  7. i smell blue cheese- hahahahhahha- omg- i'm dying. i'm so excited for the secreet satan. hahahha!

  8. oh this post makes me happy!

  9. In my world, santa IS satan, only with a lack of style.

  10. Bee, I love how you had to specify 2008 as the year we should post our "Secret SATAN" gifts by... ROFL

    And yeah... could you include a bit more detail on exactly WHAT we are posting when you email? Thanks. Yeah... and I'm gonna need you to come in on Sunday, too. Have you finished your TPS reports?

  11. Wow, your dogs are clearly profound thinkers. As to Secret Satan, I already have the torture devices ready. Also, groovy red horns and a VERY nice trident.

  12. Excuse me.

    Since your dog and cat seem to speak human, could you ask them to ask my dog if she's ever eaten brocolli?

    Because I've never fed it to her and her farts smell like the stuff.


  13. Still funny as hell aren't we hmmm? I am ettarose's dog Dummy. No, that's my name not you. I really like the smell of turtles when I have just cracked open the shells. Oh and fish heads from their fishing trips. Great post. I think I bit Satan in the ass once.

  14. Hahaha...I loved how you did your list. Funny!!

    And the Secret Santa is going to be soooo fun...I can't wait!

    As for the Santa thing, can't say that I've made that mistake, but I totally get why you do!

  15. I always check to make sure I spelled Santa correctly. I do that all the time.

  16. My cats still don't understand about that invisible force field, the window. Who knew our pets were having such interesting conversations?

  17. I keep accidentally spelling both Santa and Satan as: Stan A.

    As if Satan even has a last name!

  18. My PC is either posessed or it doesn't believe in Santa because every time I type Santa spell check tries to change it to Satan!

  19. That was a fun post!

    I think it's hilarious when my cat farts and becomes offended at the smell. He looks at me like "Why did you make it stink, Stupid Human?"

    Looking forward to Secret Snata/stana/saant/SANTA!

  20. I'm happy to see that you didn't take that seriously and wrote something funny.

  21. Dude, your dogs are WAY more well spoken than mine...

  22. I have spent almost an hour reading through your posts. I'm a newbie trying to break in. Would you adopt me like Bradgelina does third world children? :) Great stuff!

  23. Tazz and Mocha are living like rap stars! Sausages and booze? Awesome!

    Bee, please, can you forgive me for being MIA lately? Fact of the matter is, I am a lazy, lazy person. I blame all the sausages and booze.

  24. As someone that actually knows Tazz and Mocha, you got them right down to the T... It's funny, I can actually picture them having the conversation when you are at work... LOL


Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.