
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I don't think anybody will ever tell this woman another secret


  1. You assume she was a tattle tale and not, perhaps, a referee in a women's football league.

    Bee, always looking at the glass as half empty.

  2. women everywhere could tell her what it is they really want for christmas. that'd clear alot up for the clueless out there.

  3. She could be trying some kind of contest for the Guinness Book of World Records, I mean, you never know, although I think The Office Scribe's view is probably a little closer to the truth.

  4. I don't know about the specific case, but the fact that there are legal provisions made to protect such people in certain circumstances suggests that it's sometimes in the public interest.

    You're right though. No-one's going to trust her, so she'll have to hope she can make money out of media appearances or books or something.

  5. AHAHAHHAhahhahahahahaahHZHZHHAHAHAHahhahahHAhHAHAHHhahHAHHAHahhahaahahha

    you crack me up!

  6. does she have to wear that sign around her neck? kinda like the scarlet letter?

    seems like a good idea

  7. Judy does not look the least bit happy about her status. Perhaps they should have the word 'curmudgeon' under her name, too.

    (happy belated anniversary, btw!)

  8. Who or what did she blow the whistle on?


Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.