
Friday, March 5, 2010

Of giants and roadkill.

The above is a view of my assigned locker at Anonymous Clothing Store. I took this picture with my arm fully extended so that I may demonstrate why I have to stand on my ballerina tippy toes to open the combination lock.

Me? I think it's their version of an initiation for the newbie. If the next chick is 6 feet tall, they'll probably give her the bottom locker and laugh as she's kneeling on the floor squinting down at her lock.

Jokes on them though cuz my calf muscles are gonna be fantabulous!


  1. soporte en las espaldas de esclavos para alcanzar su potencial, hee hee!

  2. are you gonna decorate your locker for Homecoming?

  3. yeah, what about the roadkill??

  4. Jean Knee:

    Don't tell Bee - I was wondering about the roadkill, too, but I didn't like to ask. I didn't want her to think I was implying that she might be losing her marbles as she gets old. er.

  5. Hey you goobers! Both of y'all are still older than I am! And my title was a play off of 'of mice and men'. Or so it made sense in my head.

  6. See, this is where I would say, I'm keeping my belongings with me under the counter... reaching up everyday like that... that's why I never had a locker in high school. Thank God I only lived a block away from school, that's where I exchanged my text books. :-)

  7. Everywhere I've ever worked, you had to throw your crap in some kind of common area and hope it was still there at the end of your shift. lol

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