
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Proof that British men (BRIAN!) are a little bit nutty.

I'll be back for sure this weekend. In the meantime, I'd like to share more of wacky Bear Grylls antics. If you thought him eating squirrels and taking naked polar plunges was crazy, wait until you see him giving himself an enema.


I have to say that after watching that, I feel woozy and maybe a little icky. Also, I think he's hit rock bottom. Dare I say literally?


  1. Oh my god, I cry while I laugh! But he is hot though, so it may be forgivable.

  2. Bear: 'This should only be used as a last resort'.

    No f**king shit?!

  3. oh my

    no way Brian would ever do that

  4. No, I wouldn't leave home in the first place.

    People will do anything for TV ratings.

  5. is a self-administered enema the new 'jump the shark'?

  6. I dont think I can bring myself to watch that video!

  7. Ola, what's up amigos? :)
    In first steps it is very good if someone supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
    Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

  8. ola anonymous. you can help me by going into the store and buying some snaks for me, you know, the good stuff. id go in myself but i forgot my id....

  9. i will admit...i could not watch the video...the thought made me vomit a lil in my mouth...I hate having such a weak stomache! I feel like i miss all the good stuffs lol


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