
Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Bee n' Andy: Married and sometimes, still in love..." - I heart Home Depot!

comic home depot

comic home depot 2

comic home depot 3  

comic home depot 4


  1. FIRST!!!!!!

    You shouldn't shop in haste - you'll only end up with stuff you didn't want.

    Some shops have children's areas. Maybe they should do spouse creches too?

  2. LMAO You go girl! Way to live up to his challenge. I hope he learned his lesson!

  3. That's a cute cartoon and you did well for someone shopping under pressure!

    In our family, it's me that has to wait, and wait, and wait, while he searches for the right part. Then we have to go to Lowe's because HD didn't have it.


  4. power to the sisters!!!!!!!

    you go Bee

  5. you can't buy me at Home depot

  6. I hate shopping. Yesterday I made the mistake of taking The Kid with me. She needed new clothes and when we couldn't find what she wanted at one store, I had to go with her to the next. She's 11 years old, what does she know of fashion? She doesn't look good in pink, but that's all she wants, and if it's not pink then neon orange or green. Talk about being a road flare!

    Congrats to you for making it so quick. I'm going to have to use Andy's tactics next time I take The Kid out to buy her some clothes!

  7. Wife was supposed to get some beer tonight, 5 minutes and $15 trip to the liquor store right? Wrong. One hour and $60 she's back from Walmart.

  8. I love it! Very funny. My mother and father have shopping races, but my mom always LOSES!

  9. LOL!!! Me & Robert are the opposite...he is the one that takes forever....I am super fast. I just hate the longggg lines:)Maybe I should copy Andy & give him 10 minutes...LOL!!!

  10. Hahahha....this reminds me so much of me and Peter, although it is reversed. He is the one that spends the most time and money at HD these days.

  11. I hate going to the home depot. I have to hear about power tools and stuff. I always tell my husband that I'm going to start telling him about my shoes.

  12. Ah, but were all those socket sets and pot plants worth it?

  13. I saw DANGER with all the on SALE signs...They always get me. I like how his face is always cariactured in frantic-ness!! You are definetly a Diva! (did you buy some new sponges???)

  14. Did you buy any huge plants in the huge plant sale?

  15. I hate, hate going to Home Depo!

  16. Ha Ha! I love it. He should know not to challenge a woman's ability to shop.


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