
Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Bee n' Andy: Married and sometimes, still in love..."-Dead man drivin'.

comic strip carpal

comic strip carpal2

comic strip carpal3

comic strip carpal4


  1. LOVE this one .... rings true universally ((smile))

    Hi Bee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Did you really just say Aunt Petunia? That seems pretty mild for you.

  3. The funniest thing is that you're both wearing glasses ;-)

    As you get old(er), you and Andy can expect to have more conversations like this - who's got the best eyesight, hearing, who can still chew M&Ms without their teeth falling out, etc, etc.

  4. Oh, I feel your pain. It's just a downward tumble from here. At least you're still spry enough to keep Andy in check.

  5. Get a copy of Why men Love Bitches and you'll read that the girl who doesn't yell at the guy for doing that MAKES THEM CRAZY. Men are so insecure they need to see you react to make sure you're still in love with them.

    I've never reacted to that kind of behavior and often point out a hot chick after I saw one of my friends do it. It gives you more power and doesn't make YOU look insecure.

  6. Very funny and so true!

    I like it with the men drive. It's much easier for us to check out the cuties.

  7. I'm pretty sure your peripheral vision fails with age

    just sayin

  8. Andy, if you get away with it don't tell her about it, she's going to watch you like a hawk now.

  9. Why do men always have to brag about the things that they think they're getting away with?
    If they didn't brag about it, they wouldn't get hit as much!
    Silly men.
    Ahh, Bee, trust me, carpal tunnel is still a long way from diapers. Unless you get carpal tunnel in I don't think that's possible so I'm pretty sure you're good.
    And not that I'm bitter or anything, but what's up with the no visits at my place? I'm starting to feel a little un-Bee-loved. :(

  10. This is great! They NEVER see the sucker punch coming. Serves you right Andy!

  11. They're not diapers, they are adult undergarments. I sent away for a trial version, should be in your mailbox in a day or two.

  12. I like the sucker punch in the arm..and the fact that he never saw it coming...MEN! I like to throw mine i will say "gosh she is gorgeous", it freaks him out and he wont look in that direction!! Ahhh...sigh... all those psychology classes did amount to something!

  13. Andy, don't point out when you've got away with some sly perving! Just don't!

  14. Mrs. S and I always try to get each to look at disgusting people. She always says, "Why did you have to invite your girlfriend here?" when she sees obese people. Or I point out fat, old guys in Speedo's on the beach so she has to look.

    It never occurred to us to point out good looking people, I guess. Hmm.


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