
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Well, I guess that's the end of the line for this blogger.

Scarecrow, the x-ray tech here at the asylum who thinks she knows all, just said “I hear that the bloggers are having a field day with Blagojevich”

I nearly spit my coffee because I didn’t think anybody here knew what the hell a blogger was so I asked “Yeah? Which bloggers specifically?” she rolls her eyes at me and says “It is a group of many people on one website. The website is The Bloggers. There are no names because they choose to stay anonymous.”

I had to stop myself from laughing while I asked “Really? One big group of people on one website? Do they talk about anything else other than politics? Like maybe life? Or ooh! Poop??”

She looks at me like one would look at a person who just did a post about poop “No Bee. They only talk about politics.”

Oh. Okay. Where do I turn in my blogger badge?


  1. (walks like an Egyptian in triumph)

  2. Pah! You can tell those assholes at City Hall they can have my badge if that's the way they want it!

    (throws down poetic licence and telling phrase, pulls spare telling phrase from sock holder and walks out in disgust)

  3. Uh oh. You've been caught and your disguised ripped off, just like the Phantom.

    I think bloggers are some of the bravest people around. To air our dirty secrets and opinions for all to see, hear, and criticize has got to take courage!

    Please don't quit!

  4. THE JIG IS UP.... run Bee, run....

    or just walk, whatever...

  5. Clearly, you're going to have to kill her now. Or have her transferred to Siberia.

    Unless they can still email in Siberia. That would just leave the killing.

  6. At least that person has been out from under the rock a day or 2 to know that the technology exists

  7. The Bloggers? All talking about politics and Blagoglitch? Where do I find this group? I write political satire! I should be a card-carrying member, even on the board.
    And, just out of curiosity, was this person you talked to wearing anything that suggested late 20th or early 21st century?

  8. I wouldn't hang up the keyboard just yet. She was almost certainly talking about those ultra-orthodox bloggers, who believe in a single all-powerful Blog.

    "In the beginning was the Blog." and all that.

    we're all non-conformists.

  9. So.....where do I go to talk about poop?

  10. is one happening place. She's on to something.

  11. I really don't trust anything that doesn't support poop talk

  12. Just "The Bloggers," eh? The internets truly are a strange and befuddling place for some...

  13. You know, a humor post about _could_ be your ticket to serious fame Bee!

    Get with me, and we'll collaborate, and get busted together!

    Maybe get a few more folks in on it, and see just how many serious politico-type blogging folks we can upset?

    It'll be HEAVEN!

  14. Crap I guess I'd better start writing about politics :S

  15. No poop?! What use is there in blogging then???

  16. heh hehheh you said 'poop' heh heh...

  17. They'll have take my badge from my cold dead fingers.

  18. Politically speaking, poop tends to me more centrist.

    Mine tents to lean to the right when coming out.

    NOw that's some hard ass poop.

  19. Well... I guess it's time to hang up my sarcasm and sell pencils on the corner.

  20. can we have an anonymous blog where we post pics of poo and chinboobs but it has to have a political bent to it.

    oh i found it, bee's musings! Holla!

  21. That is awesome. I got drunk at a happy hour (okay, it was like 1pm) right after Christmas with some colleagues and accidentally let it slide that I have a blog. I'm hoping upon all that is holy that he keeps it confidential, but we'll see.

    I guess I gotta talk about politics now. And here I thought it would be too polarizing.

  22. hahahahahahahahaha. There are no words...does she live under a rock by any chance?


    Seems to exist, but it's just a directory. To your knowledge, does Scarecrow smoke crack?

  24. seeing as seems to be for sale, who's up for throwing in a $20, going anonymous, and writing solely about politics? I call dibs on Palin!

  25. OMG. I was an x-ray tech. But I am not blonde. She is, right? RIGHT?
    At least I know that bloggers blog about politics and that dogs blog, too. Just ask Nooter.

  26. Ahahahahaha! "The Bloggers"... are we anything like "The Beatles"???


Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.