
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How does that song start? A lady swallowed a spider then a bird...??

So, I have an awesome terrarium where a spider used to live and eat the little gnats. I think I accidentally killed it by moving a statue because its webs are still full of those petrified little gnat bodies.

I found another one in one of my plants so I went to make a transfer. I had it on a stick and went to blow but I inhaled first. I think I swallowed it!
What do I have to swallow next?

I also wanted to clear up a couple of misunderstandings. No, I am not really mad at Diesel. And! I set up accounts under my friends and family with their permission. jean knee feeling violated was a total coincidence.

Seriously though my throat feels scratchy!
Nancy stop laughing!


  1. Does long, intricate Tibetan chant of glee. Translates as, In your face, Dalai Lama.

  2. You've been eating spiders? That damn economy ...

  3. Does it wigglie and tiggle inside you?


  4. "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed that fly..."

    I guess you skipped over the fly and went right for the spider. Next you'll have to down the bird, the cat, the dog, the goat, the cow and the horse. You sure you want to go down this road? :)

  5. I feel violated

    I never said that was an unwanted feeling

  6. If you're really into swallowing things, then you need to talk with Andy.

    I'm sure he could think of a few things you could swallow that wouldn't be as nasty as a spider.......

  7. since some people lioke to cover insects with chocolate before they eat them maybe it would help if you just ate a candy bar instead of all those other critters.

  8. "went to blow but I inhaled first. I think I swallowed it"

    Come on!!!! where should I start? I'm overwhelmed, speechless.

  9. i hated that song as a child... i like the "found a peanut" song better.

    just drink some scalding hot water... that will get rid of your tickle, and the spider.

  10. Right now, at this very moment it is laying hundreds of thousands of little spider eggs which are all going to hatch at once and come streaming out!


    Get video for YouTube!

  11. I feel violated on behalf of the spider.


  12. I hope for its sake that it's dead.

    I'd be more than happy for you to hunt out and eat all the spiders in my flat. How much do you charge?

  13. now have a spider crawling around inside you and maybe having spider babies. You should definitely go eat the bird and take care of that problem! :)

  14. "It wiggled and jiggled and tiggled inside her" too!!! Perhaps "she'll" die?

  15. Lmao!!

    I was witness to the unfortunate early departure of that poor spider!

  16. If you're laying in bed in a couple weeks and you look down and see your stomach moving start beating on it! Seriously, you do not want that thing busting through your guts!

  17. Wow. You guys are heartless. Here I am near death having taken the life of one innocent spider (and maybe a second) and you are all about making fun of me. How rude.

    On a positive note, I can make the baby spiders do my bidding. I'll need your addresses please.

    And Brian? No way am I eating British spiders. They are probably all weird looking and tasteless.

  18. If karma is your concern, in Japan there is a tomb to termites killed by an extermination company (really, seriously, there is). You could make an offering there.

  19. Alcohol! Start drinking heavily. You can drink that spider under the table. Give it a mother of all hangovers and it will stop wiggling and jiggling. If it lays eggs, social services will take them away from her.

  20. I would have made myself throw up

  21. You said you were eating PIE not sPIEders!

    (See what I did there?)

  22. That story makes me go into a cold sweat. YUCK

    I think you have to eat some raid. That's the version I sing to my daughter, anyway


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