
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Spending quality time with the husband..

watching old movies. Only problem is, he won't let me turn on my laptop. Sometimes, being loved is such a hassle! Also, these guys are waiting to be dusted and arranged in proper Holiday formation. Any volunteers?


  1. FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not going to volunteer, though. I don't do dusting. Or arranging.

    I feel somewhat less safe. I hope Andy's arranged for someone else to save the world while he's taking time out...

  2. Santa doesn't care if your holiday decorations are dusty. Jesus might, but unless he's coming to dinner I wouldn't sweat it.

  3. your dining table and chairs look very much like mine.

    dust is a protective coating for fine furnishings--someone said that and I could not agree more

  4. You don't want me to dust or arrange anything. I'll forget where I stuck them, I'll lose a few, and sooner or later I'll forget what I'm doing and then start using your laptop since you're not using it.

  5. Bring on the angels!

    I like to arrange mine all on the shelves on the fridge door.

  6. I hope your thanksgiving dinner doesn't explode this year.

  7. YEAAAAA I'm getting all of my Christmas decorations down this coming weekend. I love decorating for the holidays. My fall stuff wil be lovingly placed away shortly for next year as I get ready for 2 to 2½ SUV loads of decorations I store in my mother's attic.

  8. FYI - I'm linking back to this post in my blog this afternoon - hope you don't mind.

  9. I blew really hard on my monitor. The dust should be fine now.


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