
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where do I keep my flashlight? Why, in the fridge on top of the booze! What a silly question!


  1. first your car keys now the flashlight whats next? scarlet? mocha? i think u need an intervention!

  2. Makes complete sense to me, Bee. Looks like you are putting all of the most vital survival elements together. Toss in some batteries, freeze-dried food and a short-wave radio and you're ready for anything.

  3. ...well at least you didn't find a roll of toilet paper in there.

    I bet you're damn good at Easter egg hunts.

  4. Makes sense to me, Bee. Hell, that way you can drink your way through the next bad power outage.

  5. It's when you spend half an hour cramming your laptop into the toaster that you need an intervention. Leaving a torch in the fridge is quite reasonable. Mind, if you spent a while trying to drink the flashlight, that would be different.

  6. I suppose it'll be useful if the light bulb in the fridge goes.

    If I were you, I'd consult an electrician about the likely effects of cold temperatures on the batteries.

    You should wear a miner's hat. They never lose their flashlight.

  7. Is that capt' Morgan?

    mmm mmm mmm.

    Way better than campbell's...

  8. I wonder..



    This could lead to flashing, and turning off lights..

    Then you'd need something to be able to find your way to the bedroom in the dark!

    Great plan there Bee!

  9. I was thinking the same thing as sensei

    keep all the vitals together

    I think refrigeration makes batteries last longer

    that's what she said (I wouldn't know from personal experience--probably)

  10. You do that in case the lights go out but you still need to find your alcohol.

  11. SWEET! I'm coming over to your house if any emergencies arise!

  12. Shameless plug: Rickey's running a live chat during this evening's Mets game if any of you magnificent bastards wish to partake.

  13. This is a great idea! I'm going to put mine in the fridge so I know where the hell one is when I ever need it. First, I have to find one, though. Right now, all I know is we have 3, but I've never seen them.

  14. I guess the next question should be WHY it's in the fridge on top of the booze?
    Or is it one of those questions it's best not to know the answer to?
    Now I don't know if I want to know the answer.
    Give me a sec.

  15. Ok, yeah, I want to know. Hit me with the answer.

  16. Why wouldn't you keep the flash light there? When you get lit you might need a light!

  17. Do you keep any other long, cylindrical , battery operated devices in you fridge?

  18. Does it automatically turn on and off depending upon if the door is open or closed?

  19. Well, if I've ever seen the drunken placement of an object that can't be found later on...


Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.