
Saturday, September 6, 2008

I hired a new assitant.

I like her hair don't you? I'll come back later and do a proper post but The Warden is flickering the lights and locking my cell. Keeps saying it's bedtime! No time to fin--


  1. FIRST!

    Why didn't you hire her in the first place?

  2. FIRST!

    Why didn't you hire her in the first place?

  3. Brian:
    Ha ha because I'm a ninny!

    Brian #2:
    I heard you the first time!

  4. that reminds me of something i used to watch on Saturday mornings.

    Muppets, perhaps?

  5. hmmmmmmm


    I have semi-bad news to tell you :(

  6. Dan:
    She should be!

    Fraggle Rock is what you're thinkin'.

    jean knee:
    What? WHAT? I can't stand the suspense!

  7. Two things you can do with your new assistant: jam her in the jail cell door to jam the lock. OR melt her down and make a shank out of her for stabbin' people. I'm just sayin'.

    By the way, I'm two cells down from you and I DIDN'T DO IT!! I SWEAR!

    And I need a friend....will you be my friend? Don't ask about my last one......just one of those things. 80% of all accidents happen in the bathroom.

  8. Ah, they finally caught up with you. Shame. (sighs & shakes head)

  9. Woohoo! Joy will be unconfined!

    I have a short story up here:

  10. Dana:
    No, I will not give you any of my cookies!

    Meh, just the hubs again. He has no real authority. ;op

    BTW, that story was hilarious!

  11. Relieved to hear it re the hubs!

    & thank you very much :o)

  12. I keep offering myself up to be your assistant and instead you hire that bobble eyed, fluff head? Did you notice that your "new assistant" has no legs or arms? I happen to have two of both!
    Well, good luck with your new ass.

  13. Jeebus! For a minute I thought you snapped my pic when I got up this morning!

  14. Muppet show... is she related to Beeker?

  15. Sadly, I would pay good money for my hair to look that full and bouncy.

  16. She lookes lovely and every so capable. More than I can say for our previous receptionist.

  17. OK, none of your other smart-ass correspondents seemed to need to know why, oh, why you hired an assitant? and btw - what the hell is an assitant?

    The others keep talking about your assistants but I don't care about them.

  18. DAVID!:
    Ha ha ha!! I hadn't even noticed! I blame the following:
    1) Crappy teachers
    2) Stupid spell check
    3) 1:30 AM and my eyelids were glued to my eyeballs.
    4) Andy was threatening to come over and pick me up off my chair.

    I did a post April First where I claimed it was my Sawn Song. ;o)

  19. Must everyone copy my hair-don't? I feel like Jennifer Aniston back in the day.

  20. *GASP* You did hire a new assitant! I didn't even notice? How do I miss these things?

    Bee-I need to please recall my offering myself up. I don't really want to be your assitant. When you need a spy assistant, then call me.

  21. Was there something wrong with your old assistant?

  22. Hey! Your new assistant is weird.
    She's wearing 3 shoes.


  23. What's wrong with old assistants, that's what I want to know. Too much ageism. I'm thinkin of protesting your Blog! (Have to admit, she's cute!)

  24. I just wanna throw this out there-I hired your new assistant last month-she told me to Suck It so I fired her...hope you have better luck than i did

  25. I hope you realize your new assistant can't count. She missed #26 on that list there....

  26. even if your new "assitant" has no arms (which explains the hair) one leg and three toes, she HAS to be better than the first one you hired.

  27. Hmmmm, I think I may have a few ideas how your new assistant can assist me. Her and her hair!

    OK I just re read that and its time for me to really get some sleep. Gnight

  28. Bee: You are well deserving of many awards. If I could create them, I would. But I can barely make a grilled cheese sandwich.

    But, if I could make them:

    "Coolest shawty east of Crenshaw."

    "Best avatar not to receive an NC-17 rating."

    "Best legal use of crunchy white stuff."

    "Founding member of the 'Paul Giamatti is a Dumbass' Fan Club

  29. What agency did you use? I need one of those!


Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.