
Saturday, April 5, 2008

My hate for you is everlasting.

-Day 95.-
I have to warn you guys that I had another one of those super craptacular days that makes me grind my teeth while smacking my forehead.
I don't know why I don't heed the signs that tell me I should just turn my happy ass around and go back home to hide under my bed.
So... some bloggers have weekly things they do like Wordless Wednesdays (Offended Blogger-jean knee) Everyone Can Bite Me Fridays (Suzy) and Silly Saturdays (NCS). I decided to do my own.
Mine will be "FUCK OFF FRIDAYS ON A SATURDAY!" now you know to avoid me on Saturdays if you're pure of heart.
I don't want to relive my whole sucky-ass-fucken day so I'll just give you the highlights.
-To the victim that decided he wanted to cross in the middle of the street, right in front of my car, while I was doing 30 miles an hour and then got mad when I didn't stop making him have to wait therefore flipping me off, FUCK OFF!
I'm in a 20 ton vehicle ya' bastard!
-To the patient who was in the waiting room that decided to take out his frustrations on having a small dick by swearing at me (while I was watching the desk for a minute) because the doctor was half an hour late, FUCK OFF!!

I know I pretty much said that to your face when I told you to 'sit down or leave!' but now I'm telling the interworldwideweb about your lack of balls. How do you like me now asshole??
-To the attorney who sent payment on an account minus a few zeros and told OZ that's what I had agreed to, FUCK OFF!
Who do you think he's going to believe? I hope you liked getting sandbagged when he put you on a conference call without telling you I was sitting next to him, listening. Surprise! How did it make you feel when OZ asked 'Are you speaking the truth or should we call the disciplinary board and report this as fraud?' Ha ha! You didn't count on him being crazier than I am, did ya'! So sad for you scumbag!

I'm not done but I'm tired so I'll just let the hate fester inside of me and marinate until I explode another day.
No need to try to make me feel better cuz I'm just venting. I'm sure I'll be aces later.
You know, I changed my mind. Please make me feel better by clicking on Humor-Blogs.

The one highlight was when I was driving home and had my windows and sun-roof open, listening to my tires crunch on gravel. Spring is here!


  1. Hmm.
    So really this is not the bestest day to visit.

    Smile Bee!!! Your hair is pretty.

  2. Being pure of heart, I'm not sure I understood all of the words in your post, but I will keep reading on Saturdays - It wouldn't be fair to deprive you of my wit and wisdom...

    You'll be pleased to know that there are more Tuesdays this year than Fridays, so you picked the right day to hate.

  3. OH, but 2009 will have more Fridays than 2008, so you'll have to pick another day next year.

  4. I love it! I love all the flying fbombs I love the anger. I love it!
    I'm sorry you had a shitty day but I'm glad that it inspired Fuck Off Fridays on a Saturday!

  5. Not to be all competitive and stuff but my Friday definitely sucked worse than your Friday.

  6. well, at least your boss sounds like the absolute coolest.

  7. Bee
    think happy, be happy.

    How and why would you know there are more Tuesday's then friday's and next year they'll be more Friday's ?

  8. ...and to think that it could always be worse!! Just think about it that way and it won't be that bad ;)

  9. Bee,

    Because I worked it out - how else?

    2008 started on a Tuesday. It has 366 days, so it'll end on a Thursday. That means that there are 53 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in 2008, and 52 of each of the other days (52 x 7 = 364)

    2009 has 365 days starts on a Friday and ends on a Saturday, so there will be 53 Fridays and Saturdays, and 52 of the other 5 days.

    I know, you didn't really want to know the details...

  10. Pure of heart.

    Hey! Maybe they know you have a blog and were actually giving you blog material!

  11. Okay, I'm speaking nonsense, unusually ;-)

    2008 started on a Tuesday and will end on a Wednesday, which means that 2009 will start and end on a Thursday. So I was wrong. The only day that will occur 53 times in 2009 is Thursday. In 2010 You'll get your extra Friday...

  12. I'm starting to get the impression that Brian may be smarter than me. Anyone else getting that feeling?

    My new post was inspried by you.
    Oh and what I should have said was "FBomb day is very likeable. Congratulations!
    A HUG." :)

  13. NCS:

    Didn't you know? Bee's workplace is a complete sham. All her coworkers are actors, and it's all there for a TV reality show of which she is the unwitting star. The fact that she started a blog was not part of the plan, but a bonus. Don't tell her, though...

  14. did anyone read that gobbledy gook Brian Wrote?

  15. Hi everyone!!!
    My day today was better because the sun was shining and I started to do some of my gardening!
    It was Natalia's birthday so we all got together for some family fun and bullshitting! ;op

    I woke up the the news our town was in a flood watch. Luckily we were fine and didn't need to pull our bathing suits.

    In case you guys didn't know, Brian is a math genius. Just sayin'.

  16. Tracy
    I'm also getting the feeling that Brian is smarter then you.


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