
Sunday, January 20, 2008

I survived the first deep freeze... minus my big toe.

-Day 20. The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck! ~Author Unknown-
Our high was -3 degrees Farenheit today with the wind chill making it feel like -21, I know what your thinking "Were you wearing your bikini?" Nah, I haven't shaved my legs since October.
I took the mutts outside and Mocha was being a smart-ass, running around the pine trees sticking her tongue out at me, daring me to come get her.
She wouldn't come in! No matter how many times I yelled "Get the phuck over here you little bitch! I'm freezing my bladdernuts!"
Andy said it might be my tone of voice so I repeated the words in a sweet and loving way but still no Mocha.
I had to come back inside the house, grab my hoodie and go out and threaten her with physical harm. While that made her come in, my face now looks like I had a chemical peel and an unhealthy supply of botox. Silver lining- no wrinkles.

I snuggled in to watch some TV and you know what? I think someone is trying desperately to get my attention and convince me to exercise.
Why else would I stumble across this, the most awesomest of chairs?

It's called the Hawaii Chair and it works by swiveling you around, working your abs and "core" (I like the word "core" it sounds like it's the most important part of your body! Forget your eyes! They don't matter as much as YOUR CORE!)
The commercial I saw was of people in their office environment, at their desk, working on their computer, while swiveling! ::while swiveling!:: Where has this chair been all my life? I don't think I can go back to work without it! Oh well, life is full of disappointments I guess...
If you want to see me swiveling while singing opera, click here.


  1. To get your dog to chase you, run away from it. 9 times out of 10, it'll run right over to you if it thinks you're going to leave it.

  2. Forget the Hawaii chair, I think I'd get more exercise out of some Hawaii girls - you know, the ones in the grass skirts... I wonder if work would provide me some. It would certainly increase my job satisfaction.

  3. That naughty little creature, sounds like something Penny would do. Want me to send you her pet safe collar? also works for husbands, or so I hear

  4. I tried to make my own hawaiian chair by staking penny to my chair leg and yelling FREEDOM, but it didn't work

  5. Can you adjust the swivel rate? It says it has a 2800 RPM motor. It would be great if you could sneak up on someone and turn it right up ;-)

    Definitely not good in the office if you wear contact lenses, or a toupee, or false teeth...

  6. I clicked on the swiviling while singing opera but I didn't see you doing this.
    are you going to wear a grass skirt to work from now on.

  7. we went to a luau this summer and it was hawt young men doing this fire juggling type stuff. very nice. those guys had stamina. there were some girls but they were only on a few minutes.

    Lean even hoola danced on stage--I wanted to but they said kids only.

    those men were very hawt, did I already mention that?

  8. Those Hawaii chairs are the best thing I have ever seen!!! Did you see how small those ladies ARE!?!?!?! And it gives you a complete workout.

    Bee, really, you can't go against proof like that.

  9. I'm going to bed. Just clicking in to say I'm clicking out!


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