
Sunday, November 11, 2007

At the dawn of time...

So here I am. Doing my birthday post. The dreaded day has come. Yes, I know technically I'm posting this before my birthday but I'm gonna be MIA for a little while. Andy is taking me to the Zoo to see his relatives and then I'm doing family stuff like celebrating Veteran's Day. I asked the clan to come on over for a brunchy celebration where there will be French Toast Casserole (much better than it's enemy the Green Bean we can send you the recipe Brian), eggies, bacon-ey and sausage-ey stuff with GALLONS of coffee. You're all invited too (come on over Aroogoogoola), if you can make it by 11:30ish AM on Sunday. If you can't this old veteran will understand.
I thought the evening of Veteran's day, I would celebrate with my momma since she is the one that had the labor pains and then other pains as I was growing up!
Now I'm treating you to some Bee history. Some is bad some is horrible and some is frightening but it's all me! :o) Don't worry this a once in lifetime bore since you'll already know my history next year, if we're all still here, providing Jean Knee and NCS have managed to save the planet with the help of their Father Al.
So come in and grab a yummy taco.

Me at 3 months. The look says "You're gonna what?!" Yeah I was also having a bad hair day so I was confused and upset.

Me at 1. This look says "Take the freakin' picture already! I wanna get my grubbies on that cake!" I had 2 (2!) parties. Hair still not much better...

Me at 2. This look says "Why oh why did you get her pregnant? I was having so much fun being the one and only!" Hair looks better though. Ignore the orange pants please.

Me at 3. This look says "I'm inside for the love of Jiminy Crickets! (I didn't know too many swear words back then) Why do I need a freakin umbrella?" Hair is bad again since I had taken scissors to it and tried to make my own fashion statement.

Me at 4. This look says "I will sit here for 2 more seconds then that's it! You better make that the last picture!" The hair is even worse, almost like I succeeded in cutting my own hair.

Me at 5. The first picture I'm talking to my agent. The second I was graduating Kindergarten so I'm thinking that's why I was smiling. You know, I was probably thinking I was done with the whole school fiasco? Little did I know! This looks says "Yippee!" Hairstyle is borrowed from Shirley Temple.

Me at 6. This looks says "The sun is blinding me can you hurry up!" Well the hair is crappy but that's cuz I had just come back from being in the water. The second picture is me in my cowgirl outfit, no it wasn't Halloween! It was The Cattle Call Rodeo done every year around my birthday.

Me at 9. this look says "I just got back from church and have to take one smiling picture before I can take off this dress and put on my t-shirt and shorts, here's your smile!" Hair, I've had worse.

This is me at 11 and 13. I have no idea what those looks say... Hair is very mullet-like so I don't think I need to say anymore.

Me at 14. This looks says "Mom, I'm a teenie bopper and am too cool to be sitting here at Pizza Hut!" Bad bad hair.

Me at 17 and 20. Okay Hair! :o)

Me at 21. This look doesn't say anything at all. Big Bad hair!

These are the Brown's Chicken years.

We will call these the Party Years. 21-23ish. Bad hair, grungyness, hungoverness so why is it that my only regret was not wearing make up? My eyes would have popped! Looky at my shorts, they have GnR on 'em!

I will call these the Andy years. Age range from 25-now. Look how young we were!
<-Nancy, Andy and I.

MMMMM... cake!

We will call these the Silly Years. Trying to get our friend to not flip off the camera since they were family pictures! Me under Jim Morrison's armpit at the infamous Alley. Me eating a whole turkey! Me holding a coconut monkey (don't ask me why, I was sunburned since I was in Acapulco and probably wasted). Me with Little Natalia. And then dressed as a dreaded clown singing and dancing for Nancy. It worked! She was laughin'!

As for a recent picture, I couldn't do it! I mean I couldn't post it here where it would draw attention to all sorts of nuttiness so I decided to put the link to flickr where you can ogle and laugh at me. I hope it works!

Feel free to make fun of me cuz I know you want to! ;op

Talk to y'all later!



  1. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!!
    I baked you a cupcake, but it caught on fire.

    Is it Sunday already? Man, time goes by when I'm having fun.
    I &, you look so ready to go out into the world and make it happen.
    HA! SUCKA!!

    I won't make fun of you Bee. It's not nice to make fun of senior citizens.

    I hope you have a great day wiht your familia. Enjoy your French Toast Casserole because your birthday cupcake got burninated (I blame Global Warming).

  2. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!


    I hope that is the paula dean style casserole it is the best.

  3. "Silvered is the raven hair,
    Spreading is the parting straight,
    Mottled the complexion fair,
    Halting is the youthful gait "

    Have a Happy Birthday on Sunday...

  4. Happy Birthday Bee!
    I love the way your blog looks! I think the last time I visited it didn't look like this..I guess it's been a while.
    I thought that your baby picture was adorable! I always wanted my babies to have crazy hair like that but they all three were born bald.
    Have a great day!

  5. I always make fun of that baby picture

    muahahahahahaha :)

  6. are you missing a comma between Zoo and to ?

  7. NCS:
    GRACIAS!! That was one dangerous cupcake!

    Than you!
    Of Course it's Paula Dean's! She makes only the best food ever! :o)

    You should have added the first part of that.

    "Sad is that woman's lot who, year by year,
    Sees, one by one, her beauties disappear,
    When Time, grown weary of her heart-drawn sighs,
    Impatiently begins to dim her eyes!
    Compelled, at last, in life's uncertain gloamings,
    To wreathe her wrinkled brow with well-saved "combings,"
    Reduced, with rouge, lip-salve, and pearly grey,
    To "make up" for lost time as best she may!"

    You are so sweet!

    Crazy hair has been a pain sometimes but I've learned to deal! ;o)

    Yeah you should talk.


  8. This is an awesome post celebrating life!! Love the pictures!

    Have a happy, happy birthday and remember that age is just a number.

  9. Bee!! now this is weird but you look a lot my BFF of 28 years Jean-Uh. especially in the younger photos. I don't have a scanner or I'd put some of her photos up.

    I loved your 80's hair the best, I had that same hair, only brownisher.

    Had to take the Leanster to doc today cause of earache. just allergies....but there goes $75.00

  10. Happy Birthday Bee!!!!

    sooo, who gets to do the birthday spankings?????

  11. always remember, yes you are an old hag now, but, there's always someone older (NCS)

  12. ‡o) be honest were you a groupie?? whats with the weird coconut hair?? see ya tomorrow at 11:30ish. ‡o)

  13. 80's hair is so much fun!

    And I'm not that OLD.
    I bet we are the same age! How old are you on Sunday Bee?
    (Birthday girls go first)

  14. Esmeralda:
    Thanks! I enjoyed posting the memories. Although the party ones were a little fuzzy...

    jean knee:
    $75!!!! Damn rip off doctors! ;op

    No spankings for me, I have a reflex reaction when somebody touches me, they automatically get a knee to the groin. Not sure what the medical condition is called.

    80s hair: Total Hair band chick.

    Coconut hair:
    No comment.
    Bring kolachkies!

    ...Treinta y cinco.

  15. NCS:
    Don't worry, I seem to remember jean knee telling me he bio clock didn't kick in until she was 35 so if Lean is 6 plus gesteration and degeneration and donutation she should be a tad older than us...
    Just sayin'.

  16. no way, you two are ancient.

    Bee, did you have a fun pre-birthday bash?? don't I sound like the biggest geek?

  17. I had the awesmoest time jean knee! It was peachey keen! :o)

  18. Bee,

    Happy Birthday, it was really nice to see all those pictures, it brought back a lot of memories.

    Can't wait to read your blog 35 years from now and say the same thing.

    BTW, I have not been able to view your blog since I have been really busy with all the other things you are aware of (work), and quite honestly, I was suprised with the dark-gloomy-halloweenish change, I hope next summer you change it back to the green-colorful-happy-lively way it used to be. It always made me feel like I was at your house every time I saw your blog.

    Your older brother... SC

  19. SC:
    So sweet.
    I was not aware you had such a predilection for... pink. I'll talk to my supervisor and see what she says. ;o)

    See you later, little brother.

  20. ¡Feliz treinta y cinco cumpleaños, Señora Bee! ¡Puede usted tener muchos, muchos más!

    (tell me I did that right...)

  21. CHRIS!:
    It was perfect! Thanks! :o)

    If I sound cheesy it's cuz I've had a Mike-arita on ice... ;op

  22. Happy Birthday Bee!!! You and my sister share the same birthday!! I thought of you when we sang Las Mañanitas for my sister this

    LOVED all the pictures! You rocked the 80s fro!

    Hope you had a FANTASTIC day!

  23. somegirl:
    Heck yeah I rocked the 80s fro! Uh although I wouldn't want these pics to get out if I run for Congress...

    Your sister obviously was born on the greatest day of the year! :o)


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