
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Little blog that could...


I've been informed by my little sister that no-one in her company can access my blog from work anymore. If they try, their browser locks up and sends a series of shocks to their fingers! (true story!) (maybe)


Bee's Musings has been banned from the major corporation that is VJ/D, with locations all over the world.

Me! Little ole' me!

I feel special!

I guess too many people were wasting company time reading me on a daily basis.

To them I say:

"Ladies and Gents, at work you should work.
Please do not use my blog as a diversion for doing your work duties. Yes, I know I have on occasion made you laugh so hard you squirted orange juice thru your nose (ouch!). Yes, I know that reading my blog made you work more efficiently as it put a smile on your face for the rest of the day.

I have come up with a compromise so as not to lose you as my readership. I will drive to your location in Corporateville, IL. with a laptop and WiFi and wait for you in the parking lot so you may come out during lunch.

Don't be discouraged as there is a solution for every hiccup in our lives!
I am currently in talks with the CEO of VJ/D and will try to charm him into understanding why it is so important to have your daily 'Bee Fix'.
Never fear, I will always be there for you."
You can do 1 of 2 things:
1) Look for another job and get me banned there too.

2) You turkeys can read me from home instead of getting me in trouble with Corporate America! What do you think??? Good idea???

Which one sounds more logical?

Get to work all of y'all!

Yes, I know I'm being a hypocrite since I do allot of blogging while at work but look at it this way, you guys get raises and bonuses, I get to be a slacker.
The scales of justice are tipped evenly...
It also got me wondering what other sites are banned for VJ/D.
Am I in the same league as:
Yeah, that would be good for my rep!

I made up random websites for kicks and giggles but I had to investigate their authenticity.
Please be aware 2 of those are actual links to depravity.
I won't tell you which one isn't cuz then I won't have any fun.


  1. Not Safe For Work:

    This is shocking. Perhaps they could put unblocked terminals in the toilets, so that your corporate readers can combine two activities in one.

    Or they could work from home.

    Another solution is of course to read a more suitable blog - such as mine. Containing edifying articles that will aid personal development in the workplace.

  2. Okay.

    I'm just Brian stalking you?? 'Cause he is always the first one here. And I think it's kinda creepy. or maybe I'm just jealous. Not really sure.

    Anyway, I bet what really happened is some techy geeky dork boy checked out the web history of the company, then checked out your blog (as it was most visited) and then he got insanely jealous that everyone loved you more and so he blocked you out of sheer spite :-D

  3. Okay.

    I'm just Brian stalking you?? 'Cause he is always the first one here. And I think it's kinda creepy. or maybe I'm just jealous. Not really sure.

    Anyway, I bet what really happened is some techy geeky dork boy checked out the web history of the company, then checked out your blog (as it was most visited) and then he got insanely jealous that everyone loved you more and so he blocked you out of sheer spite :-D

  4. Chris- I am the one stalking Bee. I'm just always slow getting started in the a.m.

  5. brian:
    I don't know if I want people thinking about me while in the toilet... unless I'm the cause they're in the toilet. ;op

    I cannot argue that your blog is the intellectual opposite of mine but mine is flossy flossy!

  6. chris:
    Me an Brian go way back, he knows what an obsessive person I am... right Brian??

    Tech Support:
    Yeah, they're jealous they can't keep people's attention like I do. :o)

  7. jean knee:
    I think you should know what an obsessive person I am and not start stalking someone else!!

    Love you jean knee!

  8. I was really hoping spank me wasn't the fake one

  9. HA!
    So that's how you roll, huh?

    GO DREW!

  10. hee heee my using the wrong word disease has rubbed off on you.
    (obssessive possessive)
    next you'll be making crafts and throwing Kid's parties

    my work here is done

  11. speaking of which I'm off to Hobby Lobby. I'm making these embellished skeletons.
    Kind of like day of the dead skeletons. don't be scared

    Hey, Criss A. asked me for your number......

  12. jean knee:
    Lets compromise and say I’m obsessively possessive…

    RE: Criss A.
    [BLEARGH!] :op

  13. Chris:

    I'm usually first, because I usually wake up first - something to do with being on UK time ;-)

    You need to get up about 8 hours earlier...

  14. Was already taken?

    That's too bad. I really like kinky stuff using socks.

    I'm just a click machine and I won't work for nobody but you,[except me] yeah baby!

  15. Uh... Brian you know what they say about a man leaving a comment for another woman? DEAD MAN WALKING!?

    on that same note. why aren't you over commenting on my salute to Father Al? too overdone? yes I stole it from NCS but she's a photoshop genius.

    I just left a comment for a man on another woman's blog. hmmmmm
    what do I get for that?

    bee, help me out here

  16. it's true bee. You should see the infidel's sock collection,,,SWWWWEEEET

    I forgot to add a hearty congratulations to you on being banned. Go Bee, go bee, go go go bee!

    I'm really going now

  17. hey maybe i shouldn't stalk you from school they might ban you from all the major universities!!!!!

    jean knees right


    jean knee, howyou doin'?

  18. brian:
    Yeah! What jean knee said!

    Sock fetish?? And I have shoe fetish??
    We are fraternal twins!

    jean knee:
    You and me we’s kewl like keylime pie!

    big head:
    Yeah, maybe you should lay low for a while.

    And uh stop flirting with jean knee before her hubs finds out! He’s an marine and can bench press little 20 something year olds…

  19. You've been banned?!? That's such an honor! That's awesome! Take That Corporate America! Woohoo! Go Bee!

    I can't click and risk ending up on a bad site, not here. Just tell me! Which is fake?!? The suspense is killing me! Must... keep... self... from... clicking... GAAAAAAAH!

  20. chris:
    Yeah, I feel like I can die happy now! :o)

    I'm not telling you which one is fake...
    {{ [<--eyebrow wiggling]

  21. hee hee I know what chris is gonna do the minute she gets home

  22. jean knee:
    I know you think you big and bad but you didn't click did you...?

  23. BEE! it took me 5 minutes to load your page! theyre onto us! i clicked on the websites and i can tell everyone the one that isnt real.

    thanks for the links btw!

    how do you make the bold and the wavy words?

  24. BIG HEAD:

    Do it at home like the rest of us!

  25. I clicked bee, I just didn't enter the website-even that sounds obscene

  26. Where I work, everything on a blogspot subdomain is blocked by Websense as "Potentially damaging content."

    Now every time I get home, I worry about getting damaged.

  27. FIAR:
    BWAHAHA! I had never thought about it that way!
    Hmmm... that might explain my mental lapses!


Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.